Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful! ♥

Well it is almost Thanksgiving! Yippee! I have so many things to be thankful for this year! It has flown by! But I am so thankful for my health, family, Chloe dog, and of course my fiance! Here are some photos from our beach walk on Sunday! We got up early enough to see the sunrise! We found lots of pretty sea glass and seashells too! And I love cotton candy skys! :)
Have a great Thanksgiving!!! :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Keys LOVE (continued)!

Here are a few more pictures from our weekend in the keys! I am so happy to be engaged! My ring is sooo pretty! It is opal and handmade, and he found it on Etsy! He even did research and found out opal is australian tradition for an engagement ring bc he knew I loved opal. And he surprised me during the sunset! The weather was so great in the Keys and I am so happy Chloe got to come! :)


Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh happy day!!

We had a blast in the Keys this weekend!! And I have some big news.....
Were engaged!!! My bf asked me during the sunset in the Keys. I couldn't be happier! I will post more pictures soon! Have a lovely week!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chloe in the sunshine & some custom paintings! ♥

I had the day off work for Veterans Day yesturday! I spent some of my day painting some custom orders for the holidays! I also loved spending time with Chloe! Here she is sitting in the chair by the sunshine! I caught her napping. Dachshunds are good at napping. Now I have to go back to work today. But I am escaping to the Keys this weekend with my boyfriend and Chloe! :)

{Paintings for Brittany of her long haired dachshund Pepper}

{Painting for Sharon of her doxies born on Christmas Eve}

{Picture of Sharons doxies Nico and Mookie}
Have a lovely weekend! ♥

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Chloe visits the Venetian Pool!

We went to the historic Venetian Pool in Coral Gables on Sunday! I had never been before! It is so beautiful and was built in 1923! Every year they have a dog day and we had to go! Chloe had fun swimming with all her dog friends!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy November! ♥

I can't believe it is November 1st! Here are some pictures from some Halloweenie fun this weekend! I am having a lazy Sunday today! I hope you all had fun and got lots of treats and not to many tricks! Chloe was a lobster this year and me and Carter where sailors! We went dancing Halloween night at Moonfest on Clematis Street. It was fun! :)

Have a lovely week!!! :)