Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,
Please don't forget me this year. I have my Christmas pjs on and have hopes for some new treats under my tree. I know my mom has been busy this year and we will be getting a new home soon. So we will be at my grandparents house for Christmas if you can find me there. I promise to be good.
Your friend,

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sugar House Holiday Bazaar & Barkistmas at the Briny Pub!

I had two shows on Saturday one was the Sugar House Holiday Bazaar at the House of Vintage in Delray Beach and the other was Barkistmas at the Briny Pub which was a fundraiser for Get a Life Pet Rescue. It was a long day! Chloe came to both shows and had so much fun making new friends. And it was actually cold here in FL! It was 50 degrees, which is very cold to us! The shows were actually pretty slow so I have lots to update in the Etsy shop! But I had a ton of fun doing them anyways! It is getting so close to Christmas, YIPPEE! :)

{Sister! Peace Owls & Other Lovely Things}


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Green Saturday art show photos...

Heres some photos from Green Saturday art show! Chloe got to come and she thought everyone was coming there to see her. She is the cutest mascot. I hope your having a great week! :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The little reindeer who could....

Make everyone smile this holiday season!!! Well I am sorry I have been missing again! I have been so busy! I am preparing for an art show this Saturday called Green Saturday! It is at Cinema Paridiso in Fort Lauderdale and it is the longest art show I have ever been in! It is from 11am- 10pm! But I am excited and happy my sister will be there with her peace owls too! Heres some photos of my clay doxie ornaments that I made! I love December!

Have a lovely weekend! And happy December!! :)