Monday, March 30, 2009

Gemini Moon Mosaics ♥

Thanks so much for including me in your Inspiration post! Check out her blog and answer the question "What inspires you to create?" and you just might be on her blog too! She will feature answers once a month. So be sure to check out her blog and her sweet peace inspired mosaics in her etsy shop! Here is what I said inspires me "I am inspired by my dachshund Chloe and love! I am also inspired by other creative talented people! There are many! But mostly I am inspired by my doxie, love, and of course sunny days! :)" Not that I haven't said it before! Well thanks again! And thanks for doing the awesome interview on my sister awile back! :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just a quick post! ♥

Also this movie makes me very excited!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hello Friday ♥

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! This week went by really fast! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days! I have been painting! I also made my first business cards last weekend! I'm pretty excited about them! I am in a dachshund team treasury right now, thanks to Sassysashadoxie! :) Well there are a few new paintings in my Etsy shop! I hope you like them! Have a great weekend! ♥

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What inspires you? ♥

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Hey everyone! I want to say a big thanks and hello to my new followers! I have just started this blog a few weeks ago, and am happy to have all you nice followers! So I ask you today, what inspires you? I am greatly inspired by my doxie Chloe (duh, I know) but I am also very inspired by the ocean! So I am putting up two pictures I did today for fun! One is tiny a 5x7 and the other is 8x10. I love painting sunsets. I used to be a surfer and mostly spent my time painting waves and palm trees, which is still very fun! You can see some of them in my flickr! Well I guess it is also easy to love the ocean when you live in Florida! I also love this ballon photo on the right, it feels inspiring to me also! ♥ Also I am happy to say I had another Etsy sale today! :)

♥ ♥

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lova Revolutionary and Indiespotting Love!

Today was a good morning for my doxies! First I saw that they were on Lova Revolutionary's blog for the Flickr Finds! She put up my Retro Flower Doxie with Bird on the nose! It was actually put in my Etsy shop today! Lova Revolutionary has a very cute blog! She also has a sweet Etsy handmade shop and even a vintage Etsy shop! I love all her stuff! Make sure you check it out, if you haven't yet! ♥ Also today my doxies where spotted on Indiespotting! Check them out here! Indiespotting is a great site to find cute handmade finds! And you can even submit your work to Indiespotting and you may even find your own handmade item on there site! ♥
And I will leave you with some silly pictures of Chloe we took yesturday! More on my Flickr! ♥

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jars of Cute Love!!!

Today I found out that my doxies are on Jars of Cute!! I am so excited. Jars of Cute is a very cute site! I love to visit it! If you haven't yet make sure you do! They feature stylish cute design, style and accesories. It is a website full of unique items! I love to look at the section "random cute things" and they even have "Cute Gift Guides for Him or Her". They picked my Long Doxie with flower and a zoomed in picture of Retro Flower Doxie with bird paintings! Well check out the blog post about my doxies! And the awesome website Jars of Cute! And I hope everyone had a great weekend!! ♥ ♥

Thanks so much Gwenmade!!!

On Saturday night I found out that I won the Bianca necklace and bracelet set from the Etsy artist Gwenmade! It was such a surprise! She has a very cute new shop with very unique and creative items from jewelry to cute vintage style clutch purses. My favorite items are the Darla Flower Earrings and the Pez Candy Retro Clutch. She is also an Etsy newbie! So show her shop some love! She also has a very cute Gwenmade blog and she posted the nicest post when I won! Well thanks so much again Gwen! ♥

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Spring!

I put new paintings in my shop today! They are 12x4" long paintings on canvas. Several others in my shop!
Also I have had this doxie picture saved on my computer for awile, so sorry I don't know where it came from! But I love the vintage suitecase bed! And the doxie is to cute!! It would be fun to make one! :) Happy weekend!

I'm on Cuteable!

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I found out today that I am featured on Cuteable's website! I haven't been on one yet, and am very excited! There they are on the bottom left. They were with these other cute items made by Jelly Beans, Laura, and Tobyboo. My long doxies are honored to be on the site Cuteable. The pink Retro Long Doxie has sold but I am making more and putting them up later today! I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Peace Love Weiner Dog!!

Introducing my newest painting... Peace Love Weiner Dog! For sale in my Etsy shop today. Today has been a lazy day. Haven't done to much. But that is okay. I do have pottery class tonight and I will get to pick up some stuff! And I do need to go to the post office because I sold a painting yesturday! Chloe is happy about that! :)
And a picture of a pretty cute hot dog!!
♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunshine.. My story ♥

So on Sunday I went for a walk on the beach with my boyfriend and Chloe! It was fun and we found lots of sea shells and drift wood. I actually had surgery last month. I am proud of it. I kind of randomly found out I had a very rare form of cancer. It was able to be removed since it was contained. I now have one lung, but am healthier than before! It is a crazy story I know. And I am just writing this because I hope to be inspiring to others. I never thought why me through out this crazy time. I feel so lucky to be here to tell my story. And have lost some loved ones to cancer. You never think it will happen to you. But I have spent my time now painting and being with the ones I love. I will be going back to work in the second week in April. So I still have more time for some adventures. But I just thought I would share that little bit about me, not for sympathy, but so you all take everyday and love it! I am so happy with my life! And it has been a blessing. =) Anyways this post was really just to show cute pics of Chloe from our walk. But I thought I'd share that. I guess it was time. I felt great on my walk and plan to do it every week now. =) ♥

♥♥♥♥ Love!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yippee two Treasuries!!

Well I woke up this morning to find I am in two treasuries on Etsy! I have never been in one, I'm still a newbie! So I am real excited! Thanks Sasha for putting me in the Dachshund Team one! =)
Here they are Like a Dog's Dinner and Proud to Be !
Anyways happy Saturdayy! Go enjoy your weekend! ♥ ♥

Friday, March 13, 2009

New Doxie Paintings! ♥

Happy Friday!! Today I painted some new pictures outside. Also Chloe took a break from digging holes everywhere in the yard and played in the pool. It was cute. She likes the shallow step and pawing at the water. I will put some more pics on my flikr! Also you can find these cute doxies in my etsy shop soon! ♥

Have a great weekend!!! ♥

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Twitter birds?

So I finially decided I would twitter. Not really sure what I'm doing, do you twitter? =)
Also here is some pottery I made!
Flower jewelry holder and Smile Quail bird Retro Flower bowl:
Ok later! ♥ ♥

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy day!

Today I had two Etsy sales! And one was my first custom painting! It was for Laura who has two lovely dogs, a dachshund and a beagle. Their names are Daisy and Walter, and they are too cute! I was excited to try something new. And she loved it!
You can see her blog at, she made a sweet post about the painting too! :)
The painting:

Her adorable pups!:

I'd be happy to do more custom paintings in the future! : ) ♥
Thanks again Laura! ♥

Monday, March 9, 2009

Live in Love!

So my friends got married on the beach and it was perfect! Beach weddings are the best!

Love! ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday, March 6, 2009

Aren't you happier...

When your dancing?
I know I am! And I think Chloe is too.

It's almost the weekend! And I hope you dance sometime. I will dance on Saturday because my friends Linda and Mike are getting married! ♥

I made the shell chime behind Chloe for my mom!
(This is at my parents house on my lil sisters awesome fort!)

Enjoy your weekend! ♥

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random Chloe pic post!

The pic that made me fall in love with her, and the moment I knew I had to have her!

Her favorite store in Key West!

Posing on my beautiful quilt made by my Great Grandma Mae!

At the Walk for Animals with my Aunt Tami and her dachshund (my cousin) Oscar!

Comfy on the way to the keys for New Years 2008
Thats all for now! ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, March 2, 2009

Clay Chloe

I made this Chloe in pottery the other day. :)